EV-shAIR investigates virtual power plants at airports – reducing costs and carbon emissions via electric vehicle charging

EV-shAIR is a 12-month feasibility project looking to develop business models that will enable the creation of value from Vehicle-to-everything (V2X) bi-directional (dis)charging technologies for the benefit of the electricity operations at airports and airport users through the use of the collective battery capacity of parked electric vehicles.

The EV-shAIR Project will unlock value from bi-directional electric vehicle (dis)charging technologies by creating new commercial opportunities for airports and their users to reduce their costs and carbon emissions via virtual power plants.

EV-shAIR explainer diagram - creating new opportunities for airports and their users while reducing costs and carbon emissions. Opportunity: Airports require grid security and are often grid constrained + Airports have some of the largest parking structures in the world + Parking duration is typically long and predictable = Opportunity for bi-directional (dis)charging and new services through virtual power plants

The consortium will establish the best ways for airports to manage and incentivise passengers to drive and park their electric-vehicles at the airport so the collective virtual electric vehicle battery array can be used to balance the electricity airport operations. This will enable us to optimise energy flows to reduce carbon emissions from the system and allow users to share in the value generated.

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